A unique learning programme

How does the VeyboardTrainer learning programme work?
You need stamina and motivation in order to really gain speed without making errors. Specifically: a lot of practice in the skills presented in each chapter in a logical sequence.
The VeyboardTrainer exercise software provides this practice and is thus an integral part of the method. It offers a wide range of exercises on the Veyboard in such a way that it results in a well-balanced and efficient programme. Your errors are automatically analysed, thus generating immediate feedback and the possibility to improve.

Tailor made exercises
The exercises can be tailored to your own needs by indicating which mistakes you wish to improve. Also, you can monitor your progress in increasing your typing speed in various ways, for example by setting a target speed. Your results are automatically registered, kept on record and are shown on the screen as a graph.

Remedial training and repetition
There may be times that a 'Veyboarder' gets out of practice. The VeyboardTrainer exercise programme is the most suitable instrument to get back into the routine as fast as possible. Likewise, for typists who already fully master Veyboard skills, the VeyboardTrainer offers a practical tool to further improve their speed, reduce the number of typing errors, and make it possible to pay special attention to any personal weak points.

The VeyboardTrainer can be used on any computer that is connected to the Veyboard.